
In contrast to the usual race, in which boats start together and finish at different times, in a sternchase (or pursuit race) boats start at different times but finish at the same time. This means the startline is uncrowded (less daunting for newcomers), but for the leaders the finish is boat-on-boat, adding to the excitement. To make for a fair race, slow handicap boats start before fast handicap boats, the exact start times being published in advance of the race.


  • Boats start at different times, depending on their handicap - slow boats start before fast boats.

  • Times for each boat are listed below for two lengths of race: (a) a race in which a boat with a handicap of 1200 races for 90 minutes and (b)a race in which a boat with a handicap of 1200 races for 60 minutes. 
  • The time is displayed from the safety boat on a flip board which counts down the minutes, e.g. 62 61 60 59 58 ...

  • A boat may start as soon as its start time appears on the flip board.

  • All boats finish racing at exactly the same time, when the counted down time (if it were displayed) reaches zero.

  • Finishing positions are exactly as the boats are on the water at the finish time.

  • Further details are available in Race Officer Guidance.


 Yacht Start Times (updated 19 Feb 2024)

Yacht Handicap Start time for 90 minute race Start time for 60 minute race
Abril 1310* 98 66
Slainte 1260* 95 63
Piper 1212* 91 61
Countess Linda 1206 90 60
Sea Horse 1200* 90 60
Rebel Rebel   1189 89 59
Kinsman 1160* 87 58


86 57
Firecracker 1147* 86 57
Artemis 1127 85 56
Swirley 1078 81 54
Spero 950 71 48

 * Club number, not the FYCA handicap.


 Dinghy Start Times (2023 handicaps applied)

  Handicap Start time for race of
90 mins 60 mins
Avon Scow 1456* 109 73
Topper 1365 102 68
Pico 1330 * 100 67
RS Feva (2 crew) 1244 93 62
Laser 4.7




Byte 1190 * 89 60
Laser Radial 1150 86 58
RS Feva (S/H) 1150 * 86 58
Solo 1142 86 57
Byte CII 1135 85 57
RS Vision 1137 85 57
Enterprise 1122 84 56
2000 1114 84 56
Wayfarer 1102 83 55
Laser 1101 83 55
Lark 1073 80 54
RS200 1046 78 52
Vortex 960 72


Sprint 15  926 70 46

* the handicap applied is not from the RYA - see Handicaps